Friday, 19 August 2016

Night Zookeeper

Lately our class has been doing a website called Night Zookeeper.
It is a website where you create animals, and you can battle monsters with your animals.
We have a google document and it has days and on certain days there are different Genres of writing that you can write. I wrote a procedure about "How To Make A Potion".
And I made a Potion.
First I had to write my ingredients, then my method on how to make it.
This is my Writing:
5 grams of Unicorn blood
2 Kgs of Phoenix hair
3 grams of Slendermans arms
50 grams of saw dust
2 Cups of Poisonous plants 

Put in the Unicorn blood.
Then put in the saw dust.
Stir well.
After that add in the Phoenix hair.
Then the 2 cups of Poisonous plants .
And then put in 3 grams of Slendermans arms.

This is what it turned out like:
Thank you

Friday, 12 August 2016


THIS IS MY 50TH POST OF MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till 100th post(FYI it will be in a long time)
Bye for now(=^-^=)

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The Olympics Start!!!

On 5th of August 2016, A very special day for the world, THE RIO 2016 OLYMPICS START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Countries competing are:

The Olympics only happen every 4 years, so it is a very special occasion.
Here are some videos about it:


Last week we started to do a thing called Availll,  it's when your teacher pauses the movie (we did Tin Tin) Just after a subtitle sentence, and you have to Wright it down, If you get the sentence wrong you carry on the movie, and if you get it Wright you carry on the movie, it is very fun.