Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Compare my house to a wharepuni

2 Similarities: It is where people sleep, It is fairly big.

2 Differences: My house walls do not have ferns and bark on them, My house has insulation so me and my family don't freeze.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wil

    You are right that both spaces have areas where people can sleep. Although we are lucky in our houses that we have our own rooms to sleep in, whereas in a Wharepuni everyone would sleep in one big room. I hope that you don't snore, because imagine that !!
    Another similar thing is the pitch of the roof. We need that here on the West Coast so that the rain can run off the roof.
    We are lucky too that our houses are insulated!! We are nice and warm in the winter. It would have been a little chilly in a Wharepuni!

    Good work Wil, keep it up.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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